A report for Founders4Schools, entitled titled "More Than a Job’s Worth: Making Careers Education Age-Appropriate", says careers education should be introduced to the youngest pupils, with activities aimed at broadening their horizons and challenging stereotypes.

Milton: 'Too many providers blocked from going into schools'
"It is hugely important that young people are able to see that there are different routes they can take after school, different routes into the workplace – not just a traditional academic route."

The Future of Work – A new report by CASCAID supported by Education and Employers
Supported by Education and Employers, CASCAID have launched their latest report The Future of Work, which explores the impact of technology on young people’s expectations of work and careers education.

Hinds promises career education in all primaries
According to the DfE’s research, 96 per cent of primary schools currently offer tailored career activities to pupils.

Aligning the National Curriculum to career success #NCW2019
With both National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week putting careers in the spotlight, it’s a great time to reflect on exactly what is being done to help the next generation into fulfilling careers.

Strike whilst the iron is hot - Ofsted are interested in CEIAG
This week, Ofsted published a blog in the TES What Ofsted looks at when it comes to careers education, information, advice and guidance. This is a further sign that Ofsted is slowly moving CEIAG up the agenda. I do hope that this is good news for careers leaders throughout the country who are struggling to get CEIAG taken seriously in schools.

DfE plans new Gatsby-style ‘benchmarks’ for character education
The government will develop new “benchmarks” for character education against which schools will be required to assess themselves, Damian Hinds has said.
The education secretary announced today that he is assembling an “advisory group” to draw up recommendations for developing “character and resilience” in pupils and new character benchmarks to measure performance of schools.

Ofsted's blog: What Ofsted looks at when it comes to careers education, information, advice and guidance
Julie Ashton, senior Her Majesty’s inspector, and Nigel Bragg, Her Majesty’s inspector, explain why good-quality careers guidance should be available to help young people make informed decisions, and outline what Ofsted looks at in inspections when it comes to careers education