DfE plans new Gatsby-style ‘benchmarks’ for character education

The government will develop new “benchmarks” for character education against which schools will be required to assess themselves, Damian Hinds has said.
The education secretary announced today that he is assembling an “advisory group” to draw up recommendations for developing “character and resilience” in pupils and new character benchmarks to measure performance of schools.
He wants the new benchmarks to be “similar” and to “do the same job” as the Gatsby benchmarks for careers guidance. The Gatsby benchmarks are statutory – meaning schools have to use them to rate their own work on careers – but the government doesn’t currently take action against those that don’t comply.
However, Hinds insisted he was “not piling on extra chores to a school’s to-do list”.
Read the full article at https://schoolsweek.co.uk/dfe-plans-new-gatsby-style-benchmarks-for-character-education/